It hovers in the dim light cast from the window and seems to resemble a small cross carved into the wall - it fascinates me! I got my camera out this morning thinking I would explore the image further
Guess what - I started finding bits of paint flaking off in all sorts of corners

They kind of remind me of Lucio Fontana's work
Perhaps I should STOP taking photographs and do a bit of REDECORATING!
The line of that last one is great! Funny how we find things like this. I see a figure in one of our doors. Maybe I better tkae a photo of it and see if it will work in a painting!
the drawing is fabulous and BONUS for the pealing paint - if I started photographing the corners of my bedroom? I would find cobwebs! which I suppose with the right mind set could be interesting....
I love cracked and peeling paint. Beautiful
This is evidence that we can find art in anything. Your post made me laugh because I am always finding pleasure in the oddest bits and pieces in my environment. When I point them out my friends look at me oddly but you would get it!
Go for the photographs every time! (And I do hope you are well - I've been away and to able to read posts for a while.)
To see the beauty in these time worn cracks of peeling paint and then to contemplate creatation from the simple wonder of it all, really captures my heart....looking forward to seeing your drawings, but very happy to be gazing at these images and reading your thoughts about it all...
I like that last one, too. Either a seated female nude with her back to the viewer or a violin with the large crack arching down the center front.
I think it's good to go with a distraction, may become something very creative.
oh, okay, so that is not a drawing! HA! it's the paint peeling? LOL
Maybe it is a portal to another world, another secret place where all your thoughts bloom and dreams dream you...
I love the last ohoto! Why not find our art in peeling paint, cobwebs and all begins simply!
I'm for the painting and the drawing....nevermind the redecorating......what will you look at from your bed if you redecorate?
I love it! My wife has been looking at me a bit strange since I've been spending so much time taking photos of crumpled tissue paper littering our dining room table. Now I can point to an artist who appreciates the peeling paint on her walls :)
There is something so fascinating about things splitting open and revealing what’s inside, underneath, held in, or, teasing us and withholding. This will be a great starting point for drawings, I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll do.
Those slides your father took – their faults are in retrospect their strengths. I like the top one esp., where the figure seems to materialise out of her environment, or is the environment claiming her? Best of luck with your assessment!
Hi everyone and thanks for all your insightful comments
Jeanne - wish I could make a drawing like that photo! And whatever happened to cobwebs - don't seem to find them like I did 20 years back and my Grannie used to have fabulous ones in her farmhouse
Margaret I love your imagination
Grrl - only YOU could come up with a portal - ohhhhh!
Janette - yes you have a point there!
Marjojo - you've got me hooked!
Bill - oh that's why I live on my own then?
Blue Sky - yes puddles and reflections and cobwebs (especially those silvery dewy ones) are inspiring
Jo - look forward to hearing your comments on the drawings
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