OH Dear!! I need to snap out of it quick!!
Perhaps it's the pressure of looming deadlines - the end of my 4th fine art degree year (part time it takes 6 years!!) is in a couple of weeks and all thinking has been aimed at getting my work ready - I've been told it is common to feel fed up and tired in the 4th year and it has certainly been the case for me - in fact I have enjoyed the projects I have been doing on my blog more than my college work! (sub)missive was a great experience and I really can't wait for Friday when I REVEAL my disintegration package here on my blog - it got a real soaking yesterday in the pouring rain - I did take a peep the other day and the insect life was in force - some very fat worms amongest other scurrying species!
Meantime I have been walking - covering 17 miles in Cumbria over 2 days - so at least my legs are fit! And yellow gorse shone on a drizzly misty day around Derwentwater on the first day......
For those of you who want to know more about social networking and how it can help in promoting your work as a maker/artist I really recommend looking at Tim Adam's blog found here and his free course here he also has a blog about blogging called Handmadeology - the science of the handmade. He really gives some helpful hints and advice
Do you know I have SO missed you all and your great comments- I've realised that what I give out I receive in blogland - so please say hello to me again even if it's to tell me off for being so gloomy and self absorbed!!