
Hello - I'm back at long last!

I can hardly believe it's a month since I posted anything - and I have NO excuse except feeling blue and somewhat blocked - what can I say that hasn't already been said by the very creative blogging community that would be of interest - you see I've been feeling just like this - rather gloomy!

- dragged through the mire and all washed up!! as if I don't have anything much to say at the moment. Kind of walled in with just small signs of colour and life !!

OH Dear!! I need to snap out of it quick!!

Perhaps it's the pressure of looming deadlines - the end of my 4th fine art degree year (part time it takes 6 years!!) is in a couple of weeks and all thinking has been aimed at getting my work ready - I've been told it is common to feel fed up and tired in the 4th year and it has certainly been the case for me - in fact I have enjoyed the projects I have been doing on my blog more than my college work! (sub)missive was a great experience and I really can't wait for Friday when I REVEAL my disintegration package here on my blog - it got a real soaking yesterday in the pouring rain - I did take a peep the other day and the insect life was in force - some very fat worms amongest other scurrying species!
Meantime I have been walking - covering 17 miles in Cumbria over 2 days - so at least my legs are fit! And yellow gorse shone on a drizzly misty day around Derwentwater on the first day......
When it stopped raining the next day there was a strange light which reflected my mood - this is where I was walking on the second day.......
For those of you who want to know more about social networking and how it can help in promoting your work as a maker/artist I really recommend looking at Tim Adam's blog found here and his free course here he also has a blog about blogging called Handmadeology - the science of the handmade. He really gives some helpful hints and advice

Do you know I have SO missed you all and your great comments- I've realised that what I give out I receive in blogland - so please say hello to me again even if it's to tell me off for being so gloomy and self absorbed!!


Leslie Avon Miller said...

Somehow blue and blocked do go together, don’t they? I have seen you around the bloggyhood, leaving comments however. I’m glad you reached out and thanks for the great links, which I am going to check out. Welcome back!

femminismo said...

Oh, dear, don't know if I should comment on not since I've been blue (still) too. Together we'd make a deep shade of gloom. Love the photos and glad you've done some walking. I've been off my exercise for a while. (Could the two go hand-in-hand?) Will check out your links. Handmadeology sounds wonderful. Keep working on that 4th year. And I, too, am looking forward to the next step in the Disintegration Project. It rained last night! - Jeanne

Jeane Myers said...

well hello! was so excited to see your post roll up on my blogroll - I'd say you are in a totally normal pattern of life - it can't all be light and airy and clever and interesting all the time! AND I must say, I have never been disappointed stopping by here! :)

Char said...

welcome back - I understand the blues totally, and the need to get things done.

thanks for the links.

Anonymous said...

Oh it is so good to hear from you again Rosie. I had been wondering what had happened to you and should have emailed you; but like you have endless deadlines. And I empathise with your thoughts on the blog culture - reading and commenting (and writing one's own posts) when work should be uppermost. But oh what bliss, what joy, to share and exchange thoughts, and feelings. I have come to the conclusion that tiny postings keep us all in touch, like a garland around the world; so refreshing. The blues lighten and become as a gilded rainbow. I will think of your deadlines and low spirits as I wade through my own. Lots of love, A.

Unknown said...

You were at Derwentwater! How wonderful. I love this shot with the gold gorse against the grey. And yes, good that you're back before THE BIG DAY of disintegration package opening. We had big rain here too the other day, so no idea what I will find when I open up the parcel.

RosieK said...

Thank you so much - you have all MADE my evening - and I have had a body massage too so feeling pretty good!! What a joy you all are!

Owen said...

Hi, hope you don't mind strangers dropping in out of the blue here in the blogosphere, but saw your comment on Laurie's Creating Pictures site, and came to take a look... have signed in to follow as I can see there's alot of good stuff going on here... so... time to shake the blues and keep on rambling ! Which reminds me, there's a song called "Ramble On Rose" by the Grateful Dead... are you familiar with it, or with them ? One version on YouTube is here :

Best wishes, Owen

jo horswill said...

A body massage!!! I will remember that tip...sounds wonderful...glad to see you back.

Janette Kearns Wilson said...

Lovely to "see" you again, and how clever of you, despite the "black dog" stuff which we all know to produce such wonderful photos

lynne h said...

welcome back, rosie... i don't think you're a bit gloomy or self absorbed. i'm just very happy to 'see' you, your photos, and what you've been up to in life... : )


M said...

Really looking forward to the big reveal because it will be such physical evidence of the passage of time- my most explored theme in art. I thought your photo mood match was very clever and I enjoyed moving through it. I didn't realize you were a student. Enough said about why you are tired and blah if you are at the end of your program. Glad to see you up and running again. Devon will soon be on my horizon - can't wait.

Margaret Pangert said...

I've just come across your blog--as I recall, I saw it at Laurie's--and am just delighted. You have a droll sort of wit that juxtaposed those sea photos with going through mire and being walled up comments--perfect! Hope you'll visit me, too, at: www.margaretpanpipes.blogspot.com. Best, Margaret

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Oh, I'm so pleased to see you back...I have been checking in and now two posts and it sounds like you might be in a better place. I love the photos, so expressive of mood. Wish I could have spent time and had cup of coffee with you at the Garden History Museum.
Anxious to see this disintegration project!

RosieK said...

How absolutely lovely to hear from you all - I feel so welcomed back! I am now trying hard to post more regularly
Owen and Margaret you are really welcome here and I hope you will continue to visit me and enjoy what you find - thank you